Weekend Update Master

The Story B


Sunday we begin our Fall schedule. We’ve got a great year planned with lots of chances to grow deeper in faith, worship God, and spend time in community with sisters and brothers in Christ. If you’ve been traveling and outside this summer, Fall is a great time to renew your commitment to worshipping regularly and paying more attention to God’s place in your life.

Godly Play begins this week with a parents session. While the kids will be in a class of their own, parents are invited to sit with Dianha and discover what God;y Play offers and learn how much fun learning can be! This group will meet downstairs in the Godly Play classroom at 9:45 AM.

We will also continue to take registration for people who will commit to reading The Story, a 31 chapter through the Bible reading experience. Each week you’ll have the chance to read 10-20 pages in a special reading edition. You’ll go from Genesis to Revelation through the year. This is VERY DOABLE!  Registration includes signing the covenant board to commit and to request a book. Copies of the book are just $7 and we hope each of you will consider getting one.

Worship this week will begin and new four week series on Generosity. You will find this to be an important and helpful topic and you won’t want to miss it

Join us this week for worship:

  • 8:30 AM – Worship with Holy Communion
  • 9:45 AM – Sunday School for kids and youth
  • 10:00 AM – Adult Education
  • 10:15 AM – Worship with Holy Communion

See you Sunday!

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