
Worship happens on Sundays at 8:30 and 10:45 AM on site in the Zion sanctuary. 8:30 is organ and piano led. 10:45 is guitar and ensemble led. Weekly communion celebrates that Christ is fully present with us as we gather – all are welcome to share in communion as we worship. Join us so that you can enhance our worship with your presence too!

Most Recent Worship for December 8th (First half of worship only since internet service went out):

Thanks for worshiping with us online (each Sunday at 10:45 AM):

Have a prayer request for our prayer team to pray for? Submit it by email here: ZionElginPrayers@Gmail.com

This week’s printed material:

Feel called to serve in a worship leader role on Sundays?

The links below will take you to a sign up where you can sign up to be a Reader, Greeter or Usher for each worship in December and Christmas Eve (2 services 5:00 PM & 10:00 PM)