Praise God with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with clanging cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150)
It sounds like a party, doesn’t it! A huge celebration of the goodness of God and all that God has done. God has done “mighty deeds.” In fact, whoever wrote this Psalm was overwhelmed with all that God has done.
But have you ever been to a celebration or a party where there was no food? Of course not. Music and celebration seem to almost always come with food. The bigger the party, the more food there is available.
That’s why this week’s Psalm is such an interesting one for us to use to kick off September as Hunger Month. The reality is that one in nine people in the world still lack adequate food. The reality is that almost 50 million people in the US are at least food scarce. A good, nutritious meal is a rarity, much less enough for a full scale party!
This Sunday is a special Sunday. We will be kicking off Hunger Month with a guest preacher from the ELCA churchwide offices. Pastor Robin Brown who is the Associate Director for World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response will bring our message and share the amazing ways that we are involved in hunger throughout the world. Mandy Garcia was just at an event about much of what the ELCA does and she was amazed at all she learned about this church and its work. You will be amazed, too!
Be sure to come with a hungry heart and a ready to learn what God is doing to bring relief to the hungry through our ministry together.