Believing Changes What We See

Hebrews 11-1

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

Faith is the most amazing thing. Believe it or not (pun intended), everyone has some kind of faith. We all believe in something. And what we believe impacts what we see and what we hope to and expect to see

Saint Augustine said, “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”

What we believe shapes our worldview. While it has been said that seeing is believing – it is often not true. Ask two people who saw the same thing to tell you what happened and the story you get will be as much a reflection of what they believe as what they experienced. We see this as we interpret what is happening with race, border issues, class and all sorts of places in our world. One person with one belief system about how things are and should be shares the story one way. Another person with different beliefs shares it completely differently.

As Christians who trust that the God we meet in Jesus has changed everything, we see the world differently. God is working on something amazing in our world – the reign of God. We know it is coming because we know we carry the assurance of things hoped for. And we can hopefully see the world in which we live through the eyes of a God who loves us, loves our neighbors and has come in Jesus to connect us, heal us and make us whole.

We long for a world that is the way God promises it will be. The death and resurrection of Jesus ensures that we will indeed receive that promise. Our faith in that assures that what we long and hope for will come to be.

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