Finding Purpose in Your Life


Finding Purpose in Your Life

The hand of the Lord came upon me, and he brought me out by the spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. (Ezekiel 37:1)

One of the great questions of life is, “Why am I here?” Young people ask it as they try to decide what to do with their lives. Middle-aged people ask it – often in a midlife crisis. Older people ask it – often looking back at the legacy they are leaving behind.

The Bible gives us great insights about the answer(s) to this question. In the story that you can read in Ezekiel 37:1-14 a man named Ezekiel is given a vision of a valley filled with dry bones and God asks him, “Can these bones live?” Wisely, Ezekiel answers, “God, you know.” What unfolds answers God’s question but also shows us something important about how God works and why we are here.

Each step of the way, God makes it clear what is to happen next. If Ezekiel will let God guide him, the bones will indeed live. God shares a direction. Ezekiel carries it out. God shares another direction. Ezekiel helps do that as well. Step by step the thing unfolds. Life begins to happen!

There is great insight in this text. Perhaps God COULD make the bones live alone. But God prefers not to work alone. God invites and instructs us so we can participate in what God is doing and be part of making it happen. Humanity exists in order to join with God and become part of what is unfolding.

Why are you here? You are here to join in with God to bring life. Where you do that varies because we all live and work in different settings. But the key is to find ways to listen to God. Here are a few questions to ask and reflect on that may help you listen more closely for God’s guidance where you live and work:

  • What does God want to see happen in this situation?
  • What steps would God like to see happen along the way?
  • What is God calling me to do so that I can help that happen?

Finding our purpose in life starts with listening and reflecting. Our spiritual life matters. The more lost we feel on the outside, the more time we may need to spend on the inside. As we listen to God, we may find that like Ezekiel, God wants to use us to do important work and having a willing spirit can allow us to find meaning and a sense of accomplishment in our lives.