You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, so that my soul may praise you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever. (Psalm 30:11-12)
While we don’t know what struggles the Psalmist has been through, we do know at this moment, the writer has come out the other side. It has been dark a long time. The sadness has been deep. There has been a long time for waiting for things to change.
But now they have changed. The Psalm reflects a complete turnaround and tears have been replaced by songs of praise. In fact, the songs of praise come so fully and naturally that the write cannot stay silent. There is too much inside to be held back.
This is how our life with God in Christ is to be. Whether we are overwhelmed with grief and praying for healing or we are overwhelmed with joy and praying and singing God’s praise – our focus is always to be on God. We are called to a persistent faith when we are hurting – hanging in there with a God who will be faithful. We are called to a celebrative faith – rejoicing and declaring God’s goodness when thing are better.
This Psalm is a reminder that when our situation changes, gratitude and praise are the proper response. So if you are struggling, stay in there. If you have cause for celebration, be sure to focus the praise and thanks on God.