Sharing Sacred Stories

Psalm 40

This week we finish our four-week series in the book of Psalms. We have touched the surface of some of the diversity in the book with praising God as well as low points of the writers, just as we experience in our own lives.

This week our Psalmist has experienced deep lows and found solid ground once again, knowing God has been instrumental in his situation, helping him through his challenges. As a result, he is signing a new song, one of hope. His life is different.  He has a story to tell and he is not shy about telling it!

We all have a story to tell; a sacred story where God is active and in the midst of it.  Are you aware of your story?  When in your life have you had a new song to sing? Perhaps right now your song is of struggle, that’s okay.  Just know that God is present and at work in your life. Your story is your story and it is connected to God’s story.  It is a sacred story and you have something to share.

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