Our Team

Zion is blessed with a strong staff, all of whom work part time to provide an interesting and competent mix of gifts.

dave daubert

Dave Daubert

Ordained Pastor (Minister of Word and Sacrament)

Dave has been pastor at Zion since 2003 when he came here while working as the Director for the Renewal of Congregations for the ELCA national offices in Chicago. He enjoys preaching, teaching, music and spending time with people. Dave is also the lead consultant for Day 8 Strategies, where he works with congregations and leaders across the US and Canada to help renew congregations and equip leaders for God’s mission. A former engineer, he holds two Master’s degrees from Trinity Lutheran Seminary, a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago and a Ph.D. in Theology from the Graduate Theological Foundation. You can email him at PastorDave@ZionElginIL.org .

marlene daubert

Marlene Daubert

Ordained Deacon (Minister of Word and Service)

Marlene also came to Zion in 2003 when she and Dave arrived as a team to help renew the congregation. Prior to that she was an accountant and then a social worker. Her work involves engaging the congregation to be active in the local community as well as teaching, caring for people, and occasional preaching. A graduate of Northwest Missouri State University, she also has a Master in Social Work from the Ohio State University and a Master of Arts in Theology from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. You can email her at DeaconMarlene@ZionElginIL.org.

mary scott

Mary Scott

Office Secretary

Mary is the one who keeps our office doing all the things to make the behind the scenes work happen. She is a proud grandmother of five and loves to play golf and bridge and is happy to be a part of the Zion team. Producing publications like worship folders and newsletters, putting things on the web, bookkeeping, and other work keep her busy. You can email Mary at the church email at ZionElgin@Yahoo.com.

Jeff Grosser

Music Director (Late service)

Jeff is a musician and uses his musical gifts to lead the late Sunday morning worship service  – usually using his gifts for music leadership and his outstanding work on the guitar. Jeff both plays guitar to lead our music team at that service and directs the Praise Team, who use their instrumental and vocal gifts to lead worship and perform worshipfully. A piano tuner, Jeff is committed to musical gifts being used to make the church and the community a better  place.

Gary Hillquist

Music Director (Early Service)

Gary is a retired music teacher and his talents for both performing and leading others as they use their musical gifts is a real talent! He plays the organ at the early Sunday morning worship services and also directs the choir at that service. Gary is a also uses his music to do special things in the community like play during the holidays at local nursing homes and retirement communities.