The Call to Love

Footwashing A

The Call To Love

Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you. As I have loved you, so you should love one another.” John 13:34

The hunger for authentic relationships in our culture is seemingly endless. Everywhere we turn, people long to speak and be heard and understood. Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media provide vehicles to try to connect with others and to be heard, helped and cared for in some ways. And they give those who participate a chance to listen to and care for others as well.

But the hunger remains for many of us. Something seems to be gnawing at many of us that keeps us from being satisfied. I talk to so many people who seem more dissatisfied than ever with their sense of belonging to a place and to people who are genuine in their care.

One blessing of being a part of a faith community is the chance to gather with people and to show and share in genuine experiences of community and caring with each other.

Jesus last night with his disciples, the night the words above were spoken, was a lesson in how to be the kind of people Jesus was calling us to be. He took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and washed the feet of his disciples. He urged them to do the same. They were then to start faith communities that would be grounded in doing the same. One mark of the church is the ability of people who are part of it to both give and receive love to and from each other.

Some thoughts to ponder this week: How are you showing love to others in the congregation in tangible ways? How are you allowing others to share love with you in places where you need help – also in tangible ways?

How we interact and care for each other is not the whole deal. We are also called to interact and care for people who are outside the circle of the church. But how we practice and show love here is foundational for the kind of church we are called to be.