The Word Became Flesh

Word Became Flesh

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1

Both Jews and Christians have ways of understanding God that include God speaking and things happening. God’s announcement is the starting point for God’s work unfolding. It starts in the Bible with the phrase, “And God said…” and then what God says begins to occur. For Jews, this concept is the “Torah” or the Law – the word that contains the identity of God’s people and God’s dream for their lives. In Christianity this is contained in “the Word” that shapes the life of the world in which we live.

As Christmas approaches we will be spending more of our time in John’s gospel. It is the story of “the Word made flesh.” John understands that when you see and hear Jesus you see and hear God’s dream for the world. If you want to see what real, abundant life looks like – look at Jesus.

Ultimately, the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words,” is slightly challenged by meeting Jesus. In a sense, Jesus is the Word in action.

This Christmas, in the midst of all the busyness of the season, stop and ponder the greatest truth of the Christian story. In Christ, God has come in the flesh. Love has come down from heaven. May each of us encounter the love of God in Jesus and find ways to proclaim the good news: Christ is born! God is with us!