Plan Your Visit
You are welcome here! We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation – a status that declares that all people are welcome (regardless of age, economic status, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, etc.) to participate fully in the life of this church. This is Christ’s church and Christ welcomes all to join in God’s work.
We know sometimes visiting a new place can be a bit challenging – but we’re here to help make it fun and friendly! Park in our parking lot or on the street and come into the main entrance by the patio. If you come at 9:45 for kids classes, those are downstairs on the lower level – adult education is upstairs at the same time. Worship services ay 8:30 and 10:45 are upstairs on the main level in the sanctuary. A friendly greeter will meet you at the door to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.
Whether you attend the more traditional early service (at 8:30 AM) or the more casual service (at 10:45 AM), both services use the historic worship structure (called the liturgy) that grounds us in a centuries deep faith life. But we use projection screens to allow you to participate in a way that frees you up to engage worship fully even if it’s your first time here. We openly commune all who wish to participate in communion by sharing in a piece of bread and a drink of wine or grape juice to honor Christ’s real presence with us as we gather. Young children are invited to join in that for a blessing.
Where We Are
From the East:
Take route 31/State Street and turn west onto Walnut Ave. Take the first left onto Griswold Street. The church is one block down on your right.
From the West:
Take McLean to Lillian Street just north of Route 20. Go east on Lillian Street. The street name will turn into Walnut Avenue as you simply follow the bend in the road. Continue to Griswold Street and turn right. If you get to Rt 31 you went one block too far! The church is one block down Griswold on your right.
It is also possible to take the Metra to Elgin’s National Street Station, and walk west up the National street hill 3 blocks to Griswold Street. Turn left onto Griswold Street and the church is down the block on your right.