“Ruth said to Naomi, “All that you tell me I will do.” (Ruth 3:5)
We often find ourselves in a difficult situation and are not quite sure what to do. But God places wise people in our lives for a reason. They can shape and guide us in our lives and help us through the most difficult of times. Being willing to find people we trust and respect and being willing to listen to them and apply what they teach is an essential part of living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
In the verse above, Naomi is worried about Ruth’s long-term prospects of living without having to be destitute and always on the margins. She has been thinking about how things work, what society’s rules are, and how to help Ruth not spend the rest of her life gleaning grain from harvested fields. She has told Ruth what to do and how to do it. If it works, Ruth will find a husband and gain a family. And what Naomi wants for Ruth more than anything is to find the stability and security that they have both missed for a long time. Ruth goes to Boaz and approaches him using just the tactics that Naomi has laid out for her. It works and Ruth’s life (and the course of history) are changed forever.
Reflect today on your life. Who are the wise and experienced people that God has placed in your life? Where do you go for guidance and advice when you face a situation where the best course of action is not easy or even clear? God has blessed us with many incredible people who bring wisdom and experience to us. Give thanks for these people in your life and take time to seek them out for a chance to take in the wisdom that they bring.